Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Berlin, continued.

Long day today.  After having breakfast at the hotel, we took the “U” again to Potsdamer Platz to check on tickets for the Blue Man Group.  Thank goodness that Dave can read the small print on the schedule or we’d be lost for sure.  Anyway, after we got the tickets we found another shopping mall by Potsdamer Platz so we had to go check it out and have lunch there.  I didn’t even buy too much since I am pretty well done with my holiday shopping.  We then got on a double decker hop on, hop off bus and took a tour of the city on the bus, not walking.  Rode around for a while and got off on the Kurfurstendamm by the Hard Rock Café which was not on the main drag when I was here in ’98 but about a block or so off it.  Went back to KaDeWe (the BIG store) and killed some time until we had dinner close to the theater.  If you have never seen the Blue Man Group, can’t begin to tell you what they are like but it is a great show to see.  Haven’t laughed that much in ages or enjoyed a performance that much either.  Great show.  I think they are coming to or are at the Fox in St. Louis.  It would be well worth your while to go see them.   Came back on the “U” and now ready to crash.  I do think, though, that in another day or so I would be able to find my way around on the “U” although Dave is a great navigator.  This tourist stuff is exhausting so I am going to crash.  Later.

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