Saturday, November 17, 2012

Resting and regrouping...

Today was a sleep in day with the rest of it being used for laundry and reorganizing.  We took a break around 2:00 and had lunch at this really good Chinese restaurant in Velburg.  It still strikes me funny to have a Chinese person talking in German and serving Chinese food!  Came back to the apartment and continued watching "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" trilogy which we started watching before we went to Bavaria.  It's the Swedish version with english subtitles so you really have to pay attention.  Watched it on Netflix which Dave subscribes to since it would be almost useless to subscribe to German TV.   Really great story line although a bit messy at times.  I have the first book on my Kindle but have not read it yet.  I'll have to do that when I finish the book I'm on now.
Headed back to Velburg to a small Gasthaus for dinner.  Had one of the best salads with a great dressing plus some more schnitzel and potato salad.  Excellent meal.  Then back to apartment to continue "The Girl."  Finished watching it tonite.   Like I said -- great story.
One thing I keep forgetting to mention is all of the roundabouts that they have in Germany.  I remember when we decided to do them in Highland and all of the people that were in an uproar over it -- egads.  There are so many here and it is such a great way to keep traffic flowing especially at some of the intersections close to the towns.  Some of the roads are something else, though.  There is a country road that goes from Route 4 called Lebanon Road and IF you know the way, you can go to Collinsville on it.  This is the road that my Dad let me drive on when I was learning how to drive and his premise was that if you could drive that road with all of its twists and turns and ups and downs, you could drive anywhere.  The non-autobahn roads are exactly like that here.  On a day like today when it's hazy and dreary, the road is even more of a challenge.
Weather here today was gray and on the dreary side with a little spitting of rain.  Temp was right at freezing and it really felt like snow.  Even with all of that I still enjoy Germany and all of the Christmas villages.  I really hope that the people who live here enjoy it too.
Anyway, we're headed to Berlin tomorrow until Wednesday.  We were going to take the train but there is work being done on the rail system and I don't think you can get there from here so Dave is driving.  We have hotel rooms booked close to the underground so he won't have to drive there.  Augsburg is the 3rd largest city in Germany and traffic was a major cluster so with Berlin being the largest it ought to be a real trip.  The underground is a good thing and efficient and it will save Dave's sanity I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. I have been following your adventure. Yeah, that Chinese guy had to be strange. Sounds like a great time.
