Thursday, November 15, 2012


Woke up this AM to bright sunshine and not a cloud in the sky so we went to the Zugspitze which is the highest mountain in Germany at 2,962 meters and part of the Alps.  We rode a cable car up to the top and for those of you that know me and my fear of heights this is quite an accomplishment for me.  I even took some pictures as we were going up -- brave, brave Shirl!  After checking the place out we had a typical German breakfast -- weiss wurst (white sausage like our bockwurst at home), a huge pretzel and weiss bier EXCEPT I had hot tea since I don't like bier.  When I told the waiter that I was a bad German since I didn't like bier he told me it was okay and that I was a good American.  That made me feel better.  Anyway, the wurst is served in a tureen or mug with hot water after it has been cooked and it is delicious.  On the way out we found another gift shop and I found a really awesome hat there.  If my hat buying is any indication, we are going to have an extremely cold winter just so I can wear them all.  Back down on the cable car. One of the ladies on the car was carrying her dog who had also been visiting the top of the Zugspitze.  I told you they take their dogs everywhere.
From the Zugspitze we headed to Augsburg via Austria.  Don't ask me because "Greta" (Dave's GPS) was guiding us.  Anyway, Dave's mom and dad lived here when his dad was in the army and Dave was actually born here and lived here until he was two.  With the help of the desk clerk at the Augsburgerhof, we were guided to where the hospital stood where Dave was born.  The hospital as well as the other buildings at the kaserne have been torn down and something called Reese Park is being built there. 
We came back to the hotel and had probably one of the best meals we've had here.  Dave had pumpkin soup that he said was excellent.  We had bread with a spread called schmaltz which is very similar to the polish smolek and made of bacon, onions and goose lard.  Sounds weird but it is really good.  For the main entree we had beef roulades with carmelized onions and kasespatzle which is the German version of our mac and cheese but much better.  I can see where I am going to have to break out my German cookbook. 
After dinner we went for a walk in old town Augsburg.  Temp is probably in the low 30's which is brisk but it feels good especially if you are walking.  We probably walked about 2-3 km which is not bad except for the damned cobblestones.  One learns to be extremely careful so you don't twist your ankle or misstep and bite the dirt.  Being the extremely coordinated person that I am (NOT) I have to concentrate a lot.  I think the concentrating is more tiring than the walking.  Anyway, we ended up at Murphy's Law Irish Pub next door to the hotel so we didn't have to go too far.  I like the fact that although a lot of people smoke in Germany most restaurants and pubs do not allow smoking inside so you don't have to smell like a chimney when you leave. 
We are headed out tomorrow for Ingelstadt which is the home of Audi.  Dave owns an Audi and it is a beautiful car which is like his child so he's anxious to take the tour.  It's a two hour tour and is supposed to take us through the production line where they are made.  Should be neat since I've never seen anything like that.
Anyway, I'm pooped so I'm going to hit the sack. 
Gute nacht from Germany.

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